KD Metrix offers broad multivariate experience to industrial pharmacy

I have worked as a chemometrician and applied Design of Experiments (DoE), multivariate and statistical analysis and a multivariate drug development strategy in pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing environment in combination with basic science for more than three decades. The multivariate methods used have focused on detecting and obtaining control of important factors during the drug and process development, and on developing various analytical characterization methods and control strategies. The chemometric methods have been optimized and applied on a large number of drug development candidates. My experience has frequently involved me in heading experimental activities within cross functional global task force groups ranging from early to late development phases, and involving academic and industrial groups across disciplines and countries.
I completed my PhD on Pharmametrics in Product Development in 1998. The degrees in chemical engineering and master in analytical chemistry were completed in 1988 and 1992. In parallel with the senior scientist position at General Electric Healthcare (former Amersham health and Nycomed imaging) I have been a Project Leader of “Quantum chemometrics in pharmaceutical product development” from 1998 to 2003, and from 2004 to 2006 I managed the global Infometrics Group providing chemometric solutions to the global R&D. I was a member of the GEHC’s Pharmaceutics Leader Team for several years. I have lectured ‘Statistical experimental design for industrial pharmaceutical development’ at University of Oslo since 1998. From 2011 I have been the owner of KD Metrix Consulting.
Ph.D. Knut Dyrstad
KD Metrix offers broad multivariate experience to industrial pharmacy

I have worked as a chemometrician and applied Design of Experiments (DoE), multivariate and statistical analysis and a multivariate drug development strategy in pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing environment in combination with basic science for more than three decades. The multivariate methods used have focused on detecting and obtaining control of important factors during the drug and process development, and on developing various analytical characterization methods and control strategies. The chemometric methods have been optimized and applied on a large number of drug development candidates. My experience has frequently involved me in heading experimental activities within cross functional global task force groups ranging from early to late development phases, and involving academic and industrial groups across disciplines and countries.
I completed my PhD on Pharmametrics in Product Development in 1998. The degrees in chemical engineering and master in analytical chemistry were completed in 1988 and 1992. In parallel with the senior scientist position at General Electric Healthcare (former Amersham health and Nycomed imaging) I have been a Project Leader of “Quantum chemometrics in pharmaceutical product development” from 1998 to 2003, and from 2004 to 2006 I managed the global Infometrics Group providing chemometric solutions to the global R&D. I was a member of the GEHC’s Pharmaceutics Leader Team for several years. I have lectured ‘Statistical experimental design for industrial pharmaceutical development’ at University of Oslo since 1998. From 2011 I have been the owner of KD Metrix Consulting.
Ph.D. Knut Dyrstad